The event was called 'My Education, My Future' and the Secretary arrived around 11 a.m. and spoke to the students in their auditorium. The students at Manhattan Charter School asked the Secretary questions during her visit. The kids came prepared with handwritten notecards they waved in the air, sat on, or curled in their nervous palms.
One student asked “If you had become president, what changes would you have made?” (a GREAT question might I add...) and another questioned if the Secretary has ever walked her dogs in Central Park (she hasn’t).
A first grader asked about the Secretary’s favorite books. Needless to say this question got the most detailed answer. She named books she had read in elementary school and listed the Nancy Drew series and Little House on the Prairie.
Another question was belted out: “Who is your boss?” The auditorium erupted in laughter. The Secretary replied: “My boss is Barack Obama... At the State Department, I’m the boss.”
After her talk, the students watched the National Address to Students on Educational Success by President Barack Obama on a TV screen placed in the auditorium.
Apparently, Secretary Clinton is one of several Cabinet members dispersed at schools across the country today to remind students to work hard in the upcoming year.
Read the full transcript of Hillary's remarks here!
Watch a clip of both Obama and Hillary's speeches in the video below:
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