This is how Greta introduced these video clips on her blog:
If you come to Washington, DC as a young person and stay long enough, your friends eventually earn big jobs with very fancy titles. It is really fun for that to happen. One of my friends, Capricia Marshall, is a new Ambassador. She has a very big job! (and fancy title!) She is the Chief of Protocol at the State Department. A few hours ago, I went to her swearing in. She was sworn in by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Capricia has worked for Secretary Clinton since she was the First Lady of Arkansas....and you can tell that the Secretary is fond of her....and Capricia may have started out years ago on the "wrong foot" but Secretary Clinton showed wisdom in working with her over the years in many jobs.Here is the clip of the story:Listen to the funny story Secretary Clinton told today about Capricia......I mean AMBASSADOR is about the big day in 1993 when President Clinton was sworn to his first term as President of the United States.
Here is the swearing in:
I love Hillary, she is so funny, and warm hearted.
Fun! Love that Capricia!
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