President Obama and former President Bill Clinton emerged from Il Mulino, an Italian restaurant in Greenwich Village at 86 West Third Street, at about 2:20 p.m. this afternoon. After being inside for about an hour and a half the two lingered long enough outside of the restaurant for photographers to snap a few photos before Obama climbed back into his limousine. Obama was reportedly quiet to the press whereas a "cheery Clinton" raved about the food when asked how the lunch went.
“It was good. It was Il Mulino, how could it not be? We had fish, pasta and salad. It was very healthy. Even I was healthy.”

Sooo, what did these two talk about during lunch? Reportedly the two topics at hand were healthcare and the economy. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said:
“They did talk about health care, but the president wasn’t sharing any details.” Gibbs said the two have
“a very strong relationship,” adding that
“very few people know what it’s like to be president," therefore President Obama values Bill's insights. Gibbs also commented on how great the food was, as a way to defer the detailed questions about the President's conversations, saying,
“I won’t eat again all day.”
After the lunch, Obama took off in his Presidential motorcade whereas Mr. Clinton walked away on foot. It was reported that he strolled for about 10 blocks before going into a Barnes and Noble bookstore where he asked where he could find a copy of The Audacity of Hope because "this guy ain't all that bad... Might as well give his book a go instead of just noddin' and smilin' all through these meetings."
Ok, that last sentence was a little embellishment but Bill did stop by a Barnes and Noble. Crazy!! Click on the link below for lots more pics!

I love Bill Clinton.
nice hair cut bill
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