The Secretary didn't attend Bill's meeting with Obama due to schedule conflicts said White House press secretary Robert Gibbs during the official briefing. Instead, Clinton has designated her chief of staff Cheryl Mills to attend the meeting. Clinton aides have also reported that Mills played a "key role" in planning Bill Clinton's mission to North Korea and Hillary thinks Mills was the "appropriate" person to participate today because of that role. Smart move, Hills. For reals.
Questions are swarming all over as to what Bill Clinton has told his wife, the Secretary of State, about his visit to North Korea and the condition of Kim Jong Il. State's Ian Kelly said he has "no doubt" the former president has briefed his wife, but he wouldn't go beyond that.
"It's our longstanding policy not to discuss the substance of conversations between the secretary and either of the two presidents she deals with... one former, one present."

"Former President Clinton described the process, including a meeting with Kim Jong-il, that culminated in the North Korean leadership granting 'special amnesty' to the two journalists and permitting them to return to the United States," the White House said in a statement.
"President Obama said he was gratified that the Americans had been safely reunited with their families."
Bill left after the meeting without speaking to reporters. (They were all whining about that on Twitter hehe...)
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, said his trip had provided insight into North Korea.
"The briefing that my husband and those who traveled with him ... is, you know, extremely helpful, because it gives us a window into what's going on in North Korea."
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